Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Honesty and Ethics Deficit
Molly the Robin
My name is Molly and I am an American robin. I learned to think by seeing myself in car door mirrors. I am a mother who has had several broods of hatchlings. A fellow wrote about my story in Animal Park. He only got half the story right as most people do. I use public school libraries which are often closed. I usually find windows or openings into schools. I only have to perch on a tree or bush or deck to watch television news where most Americans get their information is hardly worth the trouble most of the time.
Your society and politicians have either abandoned or neglected honesty and ethics to such a degree your honesty and ethical deficit is far greater than your national budget and debt deficits. Your two most recent wars-Vietnam and Iraq were based on falsehoods and there were no political sanctions or legal repercussions for such dishonesty, such as impeachment and removal from office or even removal of pensions and government subsidies. The embedded political parties have no intention of utilizing such measures. Impeachment and removal from office have been utilized so seldom in 250 years one might think that the American politician is among the most honorable, honest and effective elected officials the world as ever seen, making them a model for the world to follow.
Your free press, especially television news, gives the same view and impression. How fortunate for your politicians, unfortunately, it is a disaster for the American people. Change is everywhere, except for the "official political class" and all other political parties are considered false and have no legitimacy. Political monopolies are acceptable in your democracy, which is a democracy but with a wholly lopsided building that does not provide safety and security for the majority of Americans. The lopsided and unbalanced structure of the government can be corrected and improved with reconstruction.
Think of democrats and republicans as your employees. Two employees who waste your company's time, often spend money needlessly and wastefully and occasionally do their jobs well. What do you do? You fire them and replace them with people who know your concerns and accomplish their jobs effectively and efficiently. Find other political parties and create other political parties who are not mired in the agendas of lobbyists. The status quo has been failure, which your television networks dare not mention, for their game is profit, not in informing you of the information required to make informed decisions about your elected officials.
Your society uses such things as the credit report as a substitute for honesty, job skills, character when several of the people who founded the country were either heavily in debt or bankrupt and their honesty and ethics far surpasses those today with excellent credit reports who created the recent economic meltdown and causing the financial bailout by the political class who probably had more to lose financially on Wall Street than the average American.
Abandoning ethics and honesty is like setting sail on a boat with a severe leak and expecting to survive an ocean voyage without a major mishap.
The superstructure of institutions whose foundation is power and money without honesty and ethics will undoubtedly collapse through its own corruption and incompetence which are the products of an honesty and ethics deficit.
We birds learned this so I don't understand why you upright worms can't learn it. Some things are really hard to learn and maintain- your is honesty and ethical conduct-especially in your political and educational systems. Parenting too has this gap-the honesty and ethical gap for there is no insistence on honesty or ethics.
Well, I'll be flying over to a wooded area near the park where we reside. Hopefully, your kind won't cut it all down this summer for some financially profitable development project. I believe in profit without too much destruction of our home, which is planet earth.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Molly the Robin
There is endless talk and miniscule reporting on national health care today. Your government is the largest in the world because it spends the most money, yet your embedded Democrats and Republicans cannot figure out a cost-effective and humane way to provide health care for all of its citizens. It means they really do not want to provide it or they are incapable of doing so. In either case the embedded political parties have shown their mismanagement of the economy and the budget for at least two generations culminating in the latest financial bailout of the greedy and corrupt financial system-yet few people have been held criminally liable. Why oh why? Is it because the corruption is embedded so deeply? The debt and deficit your government runs up only make the citizenry poorer while the government elites and the institutions and industries they favor all do quite well at the expense of the country.
When the two entrenched political parties went to war in Iraq they did not calculate the costs which now soar into the trillions of dollars adding future health care costs of the soldiers. The maimed Iraqis undoubtedly have dubious health care future.
Chronically unsuccessful workers are either fired or removed from their jobs, except in the political arena where round the clock financial and managerial mayhem are immune from change. A wall of impunity and immunity has been erected to protect them and their parties. It is a wall made up of laws, regulations and most importantly a complicit and mutually beneficial way to govern to protect them from competition. The free press generally is weak in criticizing them, for they are partners who need one another for their mutual benefit and profit. Favoritism has become an American pillar of political and economic life weaved into law.
Your Democrats and Republicans have built a wall of incompetence prohibiting other political parties from participating in your democracy. Allowing their incompetence to continue endangers the nation. A failed democracy from within causes the worst kind of abuses, for the people are mere mannequins.
Your Democrats and Republicans have built a costly and unnecessary military empire at the expense of the citizenry. Intricate and expensive military and national security strategies did not prevent the horrific day 9/11. The attack succeeded not because you spent too little on security, but because of incompetence on the part of your government. Now you are spending too much on security for little purpose against a tactic you call "war on terror". How do you have a war against a tactic by criminals?
As we birds together in the park to discuss our affairs all have a voice. We do not waste nor do we ignore or abuse our fellow creatures. Your great economy and country and natural abundance have been severely abused for a few at the expense of the many. You have no longer created a government of the people, by the people and for the people. You have created a government of the few, by the few and for the few. Fairness and justice and freedom still exist but they are relegated to smaller and smaller corners of your country.
We birds conduct our affairs fairly without favoritism. We sing our songs to praise our way of life every day.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
"The mania for giving the Government power to meddle with the private affairs of cities or citizens is likely to cause endless trouble...." Mark Twain
Elephantiasis Government
Molly the Robin
My name is Molly and I am an American robin. I learned to think by seeing myself in car door mirrors. I am a mother who has had several broods of hatchlings. A fellow wrote about my story in Animal Park. He only got half the story right as most people do. I use public school libraries which are often closed. I usually find windows or openings into schools. I only have to perch on a tree or bush or deck to watch television news where most Americans get their information is hardly worth the trouble most of the time.
As your government escalates in size and budget the crises that occur in war and peace become larger and larger leading even a bird like me to conclude that your government through its actions and inactions is becoming a major problem itself from trade policies, budget and fiscal policies, financial and banking policies to fabrications of threats to justify invasions and finally total lack of accountability in wrong doing by elected political leaders by Congress and finally the citizenry of the country who apparently believe they are powerless or they are just apathetic.
The final result is jerry-rigged government whose future for the citizenry is perpetually clouded and uncertain creating more hurdles and obstacles than pathways to freedom and justice. It is clear your citizenry need the freedom to solve their own problems. Government ought to ensure justice and fairness by eliminating and minimizing corruption and crimes and creating an environment for a prosperous economy. Your government wants to control more with its every failure.
The elected representatives of your two embedded political parties have discovered a perpetual piggy bank which they draw from creating an expensive and increasingly jerry-rigged and jerry-built government. This costly and debt ridden government edifice will fall and collapse, unfortunately, on the same citizenry that it claims to be for and benefit unless there is a course reversal.
There are ten of thousands of examples of the missteps of this government contraption your power and money hungry two entrenched and embedded political parties have created with the politicians they run for election. Justice and fairness are harder and harder to obtain for the citizenry. Dismantling this inefficient and often ineffective expensive contraption of your government is necessary and imperative which includes trillions of dollars in irresponsible and wasteful over spending making the American people poorer by misallocation of resources creating a less prosperous economy. Rebuilding it from the foundation, which is your Constitution, is necessary and imperative keeping in mind strengthening your Constitution so it will always be applied.
Who says there cannot be a peaceful revolution in government? The established politicians, their political machines, their minions in television news programming and prominent print news organizations always opt for the status quo in government for it benefits them to do so.
Mankind claims it has a brain and is smarter than we animals. Start by really proving it. Creating machines while destroying the earth and one another is not smarter than we so-called animals. Between the Vietnam War and the Iraq war your country's ethics vanished in its own black hole. Can you retrieve your ethics? That might well be a pivotal crux of human culture. As the elected politicians sidestep around problems and issues without solving them you the citizenry are bamboozled into quicksand.
I'll by flying off now. It is another great summer ahead. The trees and bushes are lush where I am. The sky is blue with scattered clouds that linger and cool the temperature as well as hide the sun. Your government ought to try to emulate the sun.
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My name is Molly and I am an American robin. I learned to think by seeing myself in car door mirrors. I am a mother who has had several broods of hatchlings. A fellow wrote about my story in Animal Park. He only got half the story right as most people do. I use public school libraries which are often closed. I usually find windows or openings into schools. I only have to perch on a tree or bush or deck to watch television news where most Americans get their information is hardly worth the trouble most of the time.
After flying over your country and studying and reading from public libraries articles and news stories it is abundantly clear that your government through Democrats and Republicans has jerry-rigged and jerry-built for over two two generations a government contraption of programs, agencies and departments that are essentially self-serving with minimal benefit to the majority of the citizenry despite trillions of dollars spent annually.
A classic example is the result of the Congress Online Project Study "E-mail Overload in Congress-Managing a Communications Crisis". Excuse after excuse is cited in the study why members of Congress cannot answer their emails from too many lobbyists sending emails to emails outside their districts. As a bird I could easily devise a system separating emails from individual constituents from everybody else. If members of Congress do not know their jobs, do not know who is their employer or do not care about their constituents the current situation is the result.
A conclusion of the Congress Online Project puts the burden on the citizen, just where it does not belong by stating, "Citizens must recognize that congressional offices are not and cannot be capable of responding electronically to every every American." It is not a question of whether members of Congress can respond electronically to every American, the question is, does every member of Congress have an obligation to answer electronically every individual constituent? Notice how every obligation and responsibility of the U.S. Congress and government in general is often deflected or ignored from checks and balances to responding to constituent emails!
In essence they are incapable of representing their constituents as technology advances and it can be said that they are not adequately representing their constituents. Members of Congress spend trillions of dollars annually, much of it on dubious projects, yet answering their constituent's (citizens and voters) emails are a major problem. Maybe members of Congress and their embedded political parties are the problem by not understanding their jobs through design or ignorance.
How would we birds and animals exist with such an unbalanced and overloaded system of government as yours? It is a beautiful day for flying over the trees and bushes and the blue sky is my canopy.